4-5 Nov 2024 Lyon (France)


The RAMSES SNO is pleased to announce its first RAMSES school. This school will take place in Lyon on 4-5 Nov. 2024 and is designed to provide practical training for new users of the RAMSES code who wish to learn how to design and run simulations for their science projects.

The school will provide a core training on basic usage of HPC environments and fundamental instruction on obtaining, compiling, and running the RAMSES code in parallel. Participants will then focus on practical applications through hands-on projects. A list of projects spanning diverse areas (dense-core collapse, forced-turbulence, idealized galaxies, and cosmological volumes) will be provided for participants to select according to their scientific interests.

The training will be supervised by Benoît Commerçon and Joakim Rosdahl, with the assistance of Noé Brucy and Jérémy Blaizot. Participants will have access to computational resources from the local computer center (Centre Blaise Pascal).

The school can host no more than 8 participants and in order to make a fair selection, we ask candidates to provide upon registration a short description of the project they have in line with RAMSES, and a very short summary of their experience in numerical astrophysics. We will close registration on Sept. 15, 2024.

Note that the school is open to anyone (PhD students, postdocs, engineers or faculty) working in French astrophysics labs at the time of the school. 

The RAMSES SNO has funding available to partly cover the expenses of some participants. Please contact us directly for inquiries about funding.



The school will take place at the Centre Blaise Pascal de Simulation et de Modélisation Numérique, at the École Normale Supérieure de Lyon:

ENS de Lyon - 46, allée d'Italie - 69364 Lyon






Registration deadline : Sept. 15th

School : Nov. 4-5.

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